Kansas City Gospel Run 5k
Friday, April 24th
Location TBD
7am – Pre-Race Gospel Pre-Party
7:30 – Runner Warm-up and Line-up in corrals (all 5K participants should be present no later than this time)
8:00 – 5K Run
8:05 – 5K Walk
9am – Half-Mile Gospel Kids Run
Fellowship Festival & Concert
It takes hundreds volunteers to make the Gospel Run 5K a reality! If you are a leader of a group of 5 or more and would like to bring a team of volunteers, please reach out to us at volunteers@gospelrun.com. Be sure to let us know your organization or team name, size, and contact info. We will find a good fit for your group!
Official Charity Partner
The KC Gospel Run benefits DeLaSalle Education Center in its mission to provide Kansas City students with life-defining educational experiences that expose them to the world and prepare them to thrive within it. The Gospel Run/DeLaSalle partnership provides classroom, real world, and service learning experiences for DeLaSalle students.